Targeted Case Management (“TCM”)
As part of its continuum of care, Milwaukee County contracts with Targeted Case Management providers – behavioral healthcare agencies that support individuals with severe and persistent mental disorders to live independently in the community to the maximum extent possible. TCM agencies provide assessment, support and monitoring, and coordination with medical, social service, psychiatric, Substance Use Disorder, faith-based, employment/vocational, and Peer Support providers. Each client is assisted with housing; legal services; medical, mental health and substance use disorders; money management; employment and training; benefit advocacy; activities of daily living; social network development; and crisis prevention, management, and intervention.
New Horizons CSH is affiliated with Genesis Behavioral Services, Inc., which is a TCM agency. We collaborate with Genesis and other TCM agencies. If a client admitted to New Horizon CSH already has an identified TCM Case Manager, that Manager will be contacted to assist in the care of the client while the client is at New Horizons CSH; if the client does not have a TCM Case Manager, we will assist the client in securing a TCM Case Manager if the client qualifies for TCM services.